Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Silly Pics

Rob's GrandDad is in the hospital and we hear that he can surf the Internet on the TV on his room. Here are some pictures for his (and everyone else's) viewing pleasure. Hope you feel better soon GrandDad!

Caleb exercises.

Caleb's not sure he wants his picture taken.

Caleb tries to scare away the person behind the camera.

Camille sports some crazy hair. (We braided her hair the night before and this was the result. She added the bow herself.)

Chloe takes a seat under the computer desk.

Chloe practices her yoga.

Crazy Chloe smile! She saw the camera and turned on the charm.

Why is Caleb so sad?

Could it be that his pajamas are way too small?

Some brotherly-sisterly love.

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