Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I Have a Dream

I have a dream. I have a dream that one day I will be able to sleep until 6:00 without being interrupted. I have a dream that one day all of my children will be able to go to the bathroom by themselves and wipe their own bottoms. I have a dream that one day they will willingly wash their hands at appropriate moments during the day.

I have a dream that one day all of my children will get dressed without having to be begged, bribed, nagged or threatened.

I have a dream that one day I will be able to make breakfast (or lunch or dinner) without anyone complaining about what I'm making. I have a dream that one day I will be able to make pancakes without being distracted by fighting children and remember to put in 3 teaspoons of baking powder instead of 3 Tablespoons of baking powder, forcing me to dramatically increase the amount of pancakes I planned to make (and the amount of time I have to spend over the hot stove cooking them).

I have a dream that one day my neighbors will drop by unexpectedly when my kitchen is actually clean and the laundry is not sitting in baskets in the kitchen waiting to be folded.

I have a dream that one day I will be able to make a phone call, check my e-mail, use the bathroom, or think a private thought without being interrupted.

I have a dream that one day I will actually have time for hobbies.

I have a dream that one day my children will play together nicely and that my son will not play favorites with his sisters. I have a dream that the words "His piece is bigger than mine" and "She has a bigger piece than I do," will stop being daily utterances in our home.

I have a dream that one day children will stop sneaking food out of the kitchen, spilling it all over the floor and then lying about who made the mess.

I have a dream today!


Kristin said...

All I have to say is AMEN!!!

Kathi said...

Some day you will look at this and say...I have a dream that my kids will come and visit me!
Remember, this too will pass...embrace it..who knows what tomorrow will bring.

Charlotte said...

If you figure out how to make that dream a reality, please let me know.