Monday, September 10, 2007

Manic Monday

Look at these cute girls!

Here's some artwork by our budding little artist:

Caleb drew this picture at school today. It's him and a giraffe. At the top he wrote "I see jraf."

This is the picture that he drew on the reverse side. It's a picture of a happy dad and a sad Caleb. I asked him why he was crying. "Because I wanted to get a doughnut and my Daddy wouldn't let me." Why is Daddy happy? "Because he doesn't want me to get a doughnut." Poor kid. His parents are even mean in his imagination.

Caleb drawing a monster for his homework. The assignment was draw something that is loud and something that is quiet and then write the words. A monster is loud. What did he draw for quiet? A dragon (that looked suspiciously like a monster)!

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