Caleb cleaned his room...twice (with some significant help from Mom and the fear of her bag that takes toys left on the floor).
The kids played nicely with their friend McKenna so I could visit with her mom (there's nothing like a conversation with a real adult!)
Camille took a nap!
We got a package in the mail from my old friend Kate with some fun chalk toys so we spent some time outdoors playing despite the heat.
The kids ate dinner without complaining.
I ate the first harvest from our garden (summer squash and zucchini, sauteed in olive oil with onion, fresh dill from the garden and feta cheese) - Yum!
The kids went to bed pretty nicely - Caleb came out once to give Chloe and I extra hugs and kisses (one way he can fool without getting into can you discipline a kid for fooling when he wants to love on you?). Camille came out twenty minutes later and proclaimed, "I've had a good night's sleep!" Yeah, okay. Back to bed.
And once the big kids were asleep, I was able to cuddle and love on little Chloe. I love having a snuggly newborn! Chloe is one month old today and while I meant to take pictures of all the critters today, I just didn't get there. I did manage to snap a couple of Chloe after she fell asleep, but since she likes to be held when she sleeps (I've ruined another baby!) it's hard to get a good one. Perhaps tomorrow will be the day I can get a good photo. Maybe then I can get those baby announcements ordered!
Sweet sleeper
Stop the paparazzi!
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