My kids have come out with the funniest things lately. Today Caleb got off the bus holding a mysterious black object. When I asked him what it was, he replied, "It's for Chloe when her wrist gets bigger." I asked him to let me see it. "It's a bracelet," he explained. "Amber made it for me." (Amber is the little black girl down the street. She comes over to play sometimes and she and Caleb sit together on the bus.) What was the bracelet? One of her hair extensions had fallen out and she had tied the ends together. So my kid came home with a little girl's fake hair. Nice.
Camille has (finally) decided to use the potty full-time. Hooray! And, on top of that, she has graduated from the little potty to the toilet. We have made sure to give her a lot of encouragement and praise. How much? So much that she feels the need to return the favor. Every time she catches me going to the bathroom, she gets this amazed look on her face and exclaims, "Wow! I'm so proud of you!" It kills me every time.
Caleb has become the little reader and writer at our house. He is quickly figuring out how to sound out words and is able to communicate some thoughts in writing. Today he came home from school with a drawing of a scene from the Gingerbread Man. It showed the old man, the old woman, the boy and the gingerbread man. On the back he wrote (and this is his spelling):
I liket that the Gingerbred boy rund u wa from the old lady and the man and the boy. Yum! Even better was the letter he wrote to my folks this past week when we spent the night at Auntie Gail's house on Thanksgiving. It was all about "Oone Geal" and her "champlne"...figure that one out!
Chloe has reached some milestones too. She sits really well, claps her hands and has almost cut a tooth. She has become very aware of other people and is more interested than ever in talking with people (no real words yet) and playing.
Perhaps I can get the kids to cooperate for pictures tomorrow!