Thursday, January 28, 2010

Snow Day

Today it snowed enough that they let school out a couple of hours early and Camille didn't have to go to afternoon kindergarten. I felt like I had all of the time in the world since I didn't have to get her ready and out to the bus after lunch. I pulled out our wheat grinder and made whole wheat flour, oat flour, buckwheat flour and 7-grain flour. We have some heavy-duty baking to do now!

After Caleb came home from school, we all put on our snow clothes (including my pink snowpants left over from sixth grade) to shovel the driveway and play.

Chloe was hard at work. As she shoveled, she sang a song: "I love shoveling! I have a shovel! I love shoveling!"

Camille loves the snow.

The big kids head to the sledding hill next door.

Playing in the snow is hard work.


Jillaire said...

Were YOU the one wearing the 6th-grade snowpants? How is that possible?

cheryl said...

How fun! Looks like a great snow day!

Kara said...

That is a GREAT picture of your kids at the top of your blog! I LOVE IT!

And playing in the snow looks like a lot of fun... It ALMOST (but maybe not quite) makes me miss snow.

Mike, Jess, Elijah, Julia and Amelie said...

Looks soooo fun!