In our free time, we spent some hours in the hotel pool (the kids LOVED the lazy river, although Caleb preferred running against the current to floating on the raft). Camille likes to tell people that she liked to "swim like Ariel" (from the Little Mermaid).
We also got some time on the beach. Here are some pictures of the kids having fun in the sand.
We enjoyed our time at the beach, but were all happy to return home. I am looking forward to the kids adjusting back to a normal sleep schedule (since we all stayed in the same room, Rob and I ended up going to bed when the kids did, except the kids decided to fool instead of sleep. Camille didn't get to sleep until 10:30 on Monday night and 9:30 on Tuesday. And, no, of course she didn't nap. Hopefully she'll be back to her 7:00 bedtime soon).
This afternoon was sad, though, when Rob had to go back to work. It was nice having Daddy home for a whole week. We'll have to vacation more often!
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