Monday, March 9, 2009

Fabric Store

We had a rainy day today so everyone had to play inside. Camille had friends over to play for a while this afternoon while Caleb was at school - we have three other kids Camille's age on our little street. It's so awesome for her to have friends to play with, especially since we don't have her in preschool. After Caleb got home from school and Chloe got up from her nap, the three Cs played Fabric Store. They raided my fabric bins for fun pieces of fabric, hung them around the living room and took turns being the customers.

Then they decided to use the fabrics as blankets while they all snuggled up for an episode of Dora the Explorer.

When they were done playing with the fabric, I made them fold it the best they could, then put it in a bag so it can be their special fabric collection. Hopefully this will keep them out of my good fabric!

1 comment:

Kathi said...

Love imaginations!! You are so lucky your kids have one!