Friday, January 16, 2009


This afternoon we were driving back from a friend's house when Camille started singing. I asked her what song she was singing.

Camille: It's just a song about bodies. It's not very interesting.
Mom: Can I hear it?
Camille: Okay, but it's not very interesting.

The song went something like this:

I'm so glad that I have a head.
I have a head. I have a head.
I'm so glad that I have a head so I can have a place to put my hair.

I'm so glad that I have hair.
I have hair. I have hair.
I'm so glad that I have hair so I can keep my head warm.

I'm so glad that I have ears.
I have ears. I have ears.
I'm so glad that I have ears so I can...

(That's when she got silly and started coming up with all kinds of words. By the time she got to the tenth or eleventh crazy verse, I more than realized she was right. The song really wasn't that interesting!)

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